Our Pastor

A Message from Pastor Phillip Youngblood

Hello and welcome to the Hooper’s Creek Baptist Church website. My name is Phillip Youngblood and I am the Pastor of Hoopers Creek Baptist Church. God has blessed me with a wonderful family! My wife Shasha and I have been married since June 17, 2000. We have three children Cassidy, MaryGrace, Zachary, and our sweet granddaughter Oaklynn.

 I am very proud of my Godly Heritage. God has miraculously placed me at Hoopers Creek to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. My Grandfather, the former pastor Lawrence Rhodes, went home to be with the Lord in May of 2011 after battling an illness with cancer. It was at that point that God gave me a great burden to take up the torch and move forward for God.

We are so blessed to have a great group of young people who love the Lord. There are Sunday School classes available for all ages. Pray as we seek the Lord to minister and educate another generation for God’s Glory. I thank God for a Godly Church who is excited about serving, celebrating, and praising Jesus Christ. May God Richly Bless us as we move forward  looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith .

 If you are looking for a church, we would like to invite you to come and experience some old fashion singing and preaching from the word of God!


71 Hoopers Creek Church Rd | Fletcher, NC 28732

(828) 684-1279

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